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eCommerce Customer Journey Reviews & Tailored Solutions


Sasha Murrie
Founder / Director
eCommerce Expert
Customer Experience Advocate

Experience sets us apart

​"With over 15 years of experience in brand-side retail eCommerce working with leading brands like Rodd & Gunn, The Body Shop, Myer, Review and TXO by Tiffany Hall, I've seen firsthand the critical importance of a seamless shopping experience. 


At journeyflow, we’re dedicated to transforming eCommerce customer journeys by addressing the gaps that cause customer frustration and lead to wasted budgets.

Our mission is to help businesses create smooth, effective shopping experiences that boost retention and drive conversions.


My passion lies in identifying those game-changing 1%ers—small adjustments that make a big difference. If you’re looking to optimise your eCommerce experience and enhance your customer journey, let’s make it happen."

What we do

We specialise in enhancing customer brand experiences with detailed manual reviews, tailored solutions and project management. This allows brands to focus on daily operations while we optimise and elevate their customer interactions.

An infinity sign reflecting customer flow
Anchor 1
Blocks stacked with a magnifying glass
Three small people icons representing a group

Customer Journey 
Review  & Audit

Tailored Solutions

Project Management

Unlock the potential of your brand's customer journey with our comprehensive review and audit service. We delve deep into your customer's experiences, overlaying user stories to pinpoint areas of friction and opportunity.

Tailored solutions are meticulously drawn from our comprehensive review and audit process. Leveraging insights gained from analysing your customer journey and user stories, we advise solutions designed specifically to resolve areas of friction.

Entrust us to manage the development process and collaborate with agencies and partners to implement updates derived from the review and solutions findings. By focusing on project management, we free your team to concentrate on day-to-day operations.

Why Choose Us

15+ Years of brand side 

e-Commerce experience

Bespoke flows tailored to your brand

We are an impartial lens from your customers perspective

Maximise your customer acquisition spend

Consider us an extentsion of your team

Customised Solutions based on review findings

Second Hand Store
Fashion retailer

Let's chat

To learn how journeyflow can support your business, schedule a call to discuss.

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